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Wednesday, October 14, 2009

The Divine Investiture of Authority

So yesterday in Institute we were covering the last 3 chapters of 2 Nephi. We started talking about various places in the scriptures when it is actually God the father speaking, and not the Savior. This led us into looking at various scriptures where the Savior is talking FOR the Father, places where the Holy Ghost is speaking for the Savior, and etc. We then discussed about how President Hinckley once said that the Presidency of the church is just one of the presidencies, and how there is a Heavenly presidency. This works in with how the Godhead is one in purpose, but not one in body. Anything that one says stands for all three. We will never receive doctrine or council from the Holy Ghost or the Savior that our Heavenly Father would not give us himself. We also looked at the chain of how important this makes the promptings we receive from the Holy Ghost. If the Holy Ghost can speak for the Savior, or speaks for Heavenly Father, then promptings are like a command from God himself. When we teach by the spirit of the Holy Ghost we are teaching with the power of God. When you really look at it that way, it kind of blows your mind. Promptings from the Holy Ghost are not just mild suggestions, but they are personal revelations to YOU from GOD himself... Makes you think twice about all of the times that you get ideas or promptings or thoughts put in your head and where they are coming from doesn't it?

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