I changed my font at thecutestblogontheblock.com

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Trying New Things

So last week I broke out of my comfort zone and tried something new. Amazing, I know. I know several people who have started doing zumba and loved it. I had been looking into taking a class, as they have a couple here in Snowflake/Taylor. So last Tuesday I decided I would take the plunge and do it. I looked up the address of where it was held at and about a quarter 'til 8 got in my truck and headed towards the end of Snowflake. When I got into my truck I got this nervous feeling. "What if I make a total idiot of myself????" Okay that was really the only thought going through my head, but it was repeated over and over and over... When I pulled into the parking lot I wondered if I was in the right place, until I saw the earlier class inside the windows. Then I sat in my truck and wondered if I should go in....

Eventually Jackie pulled up and I went in shortly after she did. At 8:15 it started. Holy. Cow. It was sooo much fun!!! True, my hips do not typically shake and shimmy (seeing as how my left hip pops in and out of place), but it was a blast. I had a hard time with "Keep your toes pointed forward!" FORWARD??? IN??? WHAT!!!?!?!? My toes do not point forward or in! They point OUT. Try starting dance at 3 years old and then at 23 have someone you are not supposed to turn those toes out. Ha. Yeah, doesn't work so well for me. So my toes remained pointing out. After an hour of dancing, getting some of the moves easily, and totally messing others up, I was sweaty and felt great. The next day my arms were sore. Yeah, my arms, weird huh?

Anyways, it was great fun, and good for me to try something new. My next step is to go to the Singles Ward up here on Sunday... I have never been big on the Singles Ward thing, but I decided to give the Snowflake one a try. I am kind of feeling the need to have SOME sort of interaction with people my own age. Who would have thought?? :)

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