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Monday, October 18, 2010

The Weirdest Kids on the Earth....

I swear, I have THE weirdest kids on this planet. Honestly. I love them all, but they are crazy. I decided that I really need to keep a record of the things that happen around here. Not only are the kids crazy, but we are too. Today, the first day back after Fall Break, was insane. I had moments in the junior high room where I just got soo depressed about the things that they do not know. (Did you know that Gettysburg is a disease??) Only a couple of them really could tell me ANYTHING about the Civil War. All I got from them was that it was fought between the South and the West? or East? or North? Or maybe it was West side against East side.... And it was fought because of slavery. Okay, that I was expecting. In today's world, everyone is taught that the Civil War was fought because of slavery. Welllll no not really. Yes, slavery was an underlying cause, but that is not why it happened. However, that will be another blog... ;)

Not only did they not know about Gettysburg and the Civil War, but there is a sad lack of any sort of awareness. Most of them had never even heard about "Remember The Titans" let alone seen it. I decided we need to watch it next semester when we talk about Civil Rights. Only two of them had seen "Amazing Grace". I told them I would give extra credit if they watched it at home and wrote about it. I doubt any of them will, but at least I tried! There are so many good movies that could honestly do some good for them! Yes I am a bit of a movie person, but hey a little entertainment never hurt anyone! (Apparently I REALLY like exclamation points...)

Oh and we had a mini lesson in junior high history about how long decade, score, century, and millenium each are...Of course only one kid had ever heard of a score and knew what speech it is in. "Four score and seven years ago..." Which makes me think of "Four s'mores and seven root beers ago..." Are you out there Alyssa?? :)

Perhaps one of the reason the kids are the weirdest kids is because they have the weirdest teachers on earth... This morning in morning meeting Joey was giving one of the girls a hard time as it is her birthday tomorrow and she didn't want anyone to know. He told her we would get the Chippendale dancers to come in for her. I started laughing and pointed to he and Michael and said, "Yeah Chip n' Dale." So Michael put his hands up and started swinging his hips which was followed by Joey doing the same. Of course by this time I was just cracking up. I don't think most of the kids caught it, but it was hilarious. Then Michael said that we weren't supposed to tell about his night job. Yeah these are the guys I work with.

Not only do we harass the kids but we harass each other. My co-workers in the high school decided that I was the popular girl in high school. HAHAHA. Yeah. Right. Joey was teasing me and said he has been thinking about taking me out on a date so all of his buddies would think he hooked up with "some young, hot thing". I don't think his wife would like that very much... He then went on to tell me that his buddies are already talking about me.... Yes how would you like to go from being over-weight in high school to suddenly being a high school teacher and having the kids say you are the hot sexy teacher. It is weird and totally hilarious.

Ohh okay so today's craziness with my high school kids. So we were giving one of the boys a hard time as he and his family went to Disneyland over break and he wasn't terribly excited about it. We asked him if he had a good time and he sort of shrugged and said sure. We asked if he got to hug Mickey and he said that they didn't see him. We asked about Minnie and he asked, "Who?" "You don't know who Minnie Mouse is?? You know Mickey's girlfriend??" "No." "Well did you see anyone, Goofy, Pluto??" "Well, I think I saw the dog." .... "Matthew you should be banned from Disneyland. You aren't even allowed to enter through the gates." I think I saw the dog. Seriously? Then later, when all the kids were back inside, Joey, Jeanette, and I were talking about it to each other from across the room. Mathew said something about Snow White and we teased him about how he know Snow White, but "just the dog..." Well Ambsey heard us talking about Snow White and "the dog" and pipes up, "What are you talking about Snoopy about??" Yeah Snoopy. Gotta love these kids.

Anyways, there is a brief glimpse of my crazy, crazy kids! Oh yeah, the picture at the top is one of our high school kids, wrapped up in duct tape.

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